Wednesday 5 February 2014

Celebrating the International Spirit Every Year (Not Just Every Four)

Creating Solutions for a Healthier World was the theme for this year’s I-Week which brought together well over 60 different events across campus. Here is a look at the week that was, just in case you missed some of the awesomeness that happened around campus.

Checking the I-Week Program Guide
Engineering students Ryan Voon and Rabia Ladha check out the calendar of events for I-Week 2014.

Year of the Horse at UAlberta 2014
Celebrations for the Pan Asian Lunar New Year were in full swing at SUB Stage. According to the Chinese calendar, 2014 is the year of the horse.

To create a healthier world we need to...
Aliya Lakhani adds her thoughts to one of the many chalkboards that had been scattered across campus during the week.

I-Week Volunteers 2014
I-Week volunteers take a break between activities. From left to right: Ellen Hu, Jianbin Zhang, Shun Kang Li, and Chao Ni.

The Mystery Toque Man
Ian Gosney and the mystery toque man try to figure out which event to go to next.

Finally, a couple of pictures capturing the splash of culture and heritage during Jhankaar - the perfect wrap up event for I-Week:

Swing Out Edmonton
Swing Out Edmonton

Edmonton’s Shadow Dance Troupe
Edmonton’s Shadow Dance Troupe
Indian Music Academy

Dances from Around the World

International Week 2014 Performance


About the Author

When I am not busy with engineering school, I love painting in abstracts. I am also a huge movie buff and will watch anything with zombies in it.

I would like to share stories that are personal and reflective of the great community we have built here at the U of A. My experience at the university so far has brought forward a tremendous amount of personal growth, and I can’t wait to help share the wonderful stories and student experiences of this amazing university.


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